VMware vSphere HA – vSphere Metro Storage Cluster (vMSC) mit DataCore SANsymphony

In diesem Beitrag wird auf Basis der VMware Dokumentation zu vMSC die Konfiguration mit DataCore SANsymphony beschrieben. VMware vSphere Metro Storage Cluster (vMSC) Recommended Practices:https://core.vmware.com/resource/vmware-vsphere-metro-storage-cluster-recommended-practices Allgemein basiert eine Hochverfügbarkeit auf Redundanzen der beteiligten Ebenen. Die unterste logische Ebene ist der Speicher. Bei VMware wird in diesem Kontext der Speicher...

Evaluating AzureStack HCI in a nested environment

I first came across the new version of AzureStack HCI in a publication in the 09/2020 issue of the German iX magazine, the premium periodical on Enterprise IT in the German media landscape. According to them, Microsoft provided the new „v2“ version of AzureStack HCI with a new technical...

Teaching Cloud Computing to University Students: First Experiences with the Microsoft Learn for Educators Beta Program

My university „Hochschule Ansbach – Ansbach University of Applied Sciences“ has joined the beta program of the offering „Microsoft Learn for Educators„. I’m grateful to Kerstin Beutling and Jutta Schneider for introducing me to this opportunity and nominating our university to this program that is exclusively offered to 500...