DataCore Inside

Letzte Woche war ich vom 24 bis 25 Januar in Leipzig auf der DataCore Inside. Hier hat DataCore, ein führender Anbieter für Software defined Storage, eingeladen und in spannenden Vorträgen seine Produkte vorgestellt. Über zwei Tage konnte man sich in etlichen Breakout Sessions über Produkte informieren und Demos dazu...

First experience with VMware and Ansible

After I started to work with VMware, I got more and more interested in how to automate all the manual tasks. So I looked around on the internet and found two possibilities. On the one hand with Powershell and on the other hand with Ansible. Since Ansible has always...

Setting up vSphere 8

I am currently in my Ausbildung as an IT specialist for Fachinformatikerin Systemintegration. The goal should be that I further educate myself in the area of VMware. Since vSphere 8 has been released recently, we thought it would be a good exercise to install vSphere 8. We had three...